Hello and welcome to Mountain West Photography!
My name is Anthony, and I am the creator of Mountain West Photography. Much like others, I began my photography journey at the height of the pandemic. When everyone was on lock down I realized that being stuck in my room was no longer an option. I needed something that not only challenged me, but allowed me to break out on my creative side, too.
I started photographing everything. From mountains to lakes and rivers to something as simple as rock formations. I was doing everything I could to dial in the technical aspects and really understand just how my camera worked. I even remember the first camera I got, it was my Canon T7 Rebel with its kit lens. That little things got me started, and sits happily on my shelf as a reminder of who I was when I started, and where I am at now within my photography journey.
Eventually, I began to work more with people. I started photographing more portraits and graduation sessions. This is where my love for the craft really started to become more of a passion. Being able to work directly with clients and provide them with products that they truly enjoyed was an experience that I never thought that I would get to and yet, a few years later, I began doing it on a more consistent basis. I realize that in the beginning, my work was not up to par. It was the friends and family that allowed me to make those mistakes and learn from them in order to truly improve the technical aspects in the field. And for that, I am forever grateful!